FREE Montreal Foreclosure List

Foreclosures are up 327% in some area of the states

The number of California homes lost to foreclosure in the first quarter surged 327% from year-ago levels — reaching an average of more than 500 foreclosures per day.

The Result: 517 foreclosures every day in the first quarter of 2008. The main factor behind this foreclosure surge remains the decline in home values. Additionally, a lot of the ‘loans-gone-wild’ activity happened in late 2005 and 2006 and that’s working its way through the system. The big ‘if’ right now is whether or not the economy is in recession. If it is, the foreclosure problem could spread beyond the current categories of dicey mortgages, and into mainstream home loans.

Greed does terrible things. People going through foreclosure don’t deserve any kind of sympathy. They should’ve read the fine print. Too many people living above their means to impress the guy next door who is also sinking.
